Saturday, March 29, 2025

There’s no reason the average golfer can’t become a great putter. It’s the simplest swing you make; there are no bunkers, no out-of-bounds, no rough; you’re on a perfectly smooth surface; and the target is right there. Still, most golfers have a negative attitude.

All you have to do is read the break, aim the face and start the ball on line. And, most important, decide to be positive.

PUTTING FROM OUTSIDE 30 FEET – A drill to hit putts with great speed.

Find a hole on the practice green and stick three tees in the ground, at 30, 40 and 50 feet out. The goal is to roll three putts in a row from each tee into an imaginary three-foot circle around the hole.Start at 40 feet and putt from there until you gets three in a row. Then  go from 30, then 50—going out of order like this means you can’t just get in a groove.

Distance control is the big thing on long putts. If you judge the speed right, you’ll almost always have a simple second putt. But if you judge it wrong, you might leave yourself 10 or 12 feet. On long putts, I like the stroke to be a little longer and slower, so you can put some hit on the ball. When most golfers try to hit it harder, they get quick and jabby, which usually causes a mis-hit. You want the putterhead to accelerate through the ball, so think long and smooth.

Its a great drill. And don’t just practice from one angle.

If you start with downhill, right-to-left putts, next time go uphill, left to right.


HOW TO APPROACH ANY PUTT – Keep The Routine Short And On Point

Know what you want to do with a putt, and dont  waste any time. Taking longer only ups your stress level and invites you to start doubting what you’re doing.

Keep the focus simple. As you read your putt, imagine a three- or four-inch trough from your ball to the hole. You want to roll your ball down that trough, and that means getting it started on line. So instead of staring at the ball, track your eyes down your intended line, especially the first foot or two,

then give it a good, firm rap down that line.



Step into these putts with the clear purpose of getting the putterface aimed precisely. Be deliberate about that. Raise the putterhead fractionally off the ground before you start back.

First, it’ll help take the tension out of your hands and arms, and we all know that tension is a killer on these short ones. Second, it sets up a smooth, even backstroke with no risk of the club getting stuck on the grass. And just like these other tips, it’ll help you putt like a pro.

By Indrajit Bhalotia


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